Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Saturday mornings....

My Saturday mornings are the most beautiful part of the weekend, where time lazes in front of my computer and stops till Sunday evening. I create a space around my computer. My pal, my connection to all my friends, to Daniel Powter’s Bad day or Taxi drivers on Msn messenger…. I think through my keyboard. It holds almost all my secrets or at least those that I can pen down.

My desk is strewn with numerous reminders of chores….. my Columbia financial plan, the yellow post its with Citibank contact numbers whom I have to call to apply for a loan, the list of scholarships buttttttttt

my white ceramic tea cup…
with the soft but dirty brown malai at its rim and traces of dried chai, path of the warm elaichi soaked, chai masala flavored somras that eluded my lips and traced a determined path on the body of my cup

and the bowl of the haldi stained, gujju, sweet chevdaa drag me back to my lazy Saturday morning.

I’ve realized so many things about myself, about New York etc…. They are tit bits of everything… They will come in parts…

I enjoy shopping here for numerous reasons. Of course the avenues for looking beautiful are immense here. The choices of clothes allow you to enjoy your body. It does not matter if you are fat or thin, they have your size. Secondly, when I am shopping, each beautiful dress, each shoe creates situations for me, the possibilities of glances, future chance meetings, conversations and the possibility of a new love? The sexier the dress, the greater the possibility of new love. I forget intermediate stages, of discovering the person, of getting along, of boredom, of quiet situations when you are lost for words. I plunge into the world of romance and pleasure, of Mills & Boons (can you imagine?), while I buy new accessories, beautiful gadgets that are suffused with desire. I drown loneliness in beauty. I hope that beauty will be all pervasive…we will sail together on beauty. I wonder if thats why people enjoy shopping so much here......

New York is everyone’s destination but no one’s home. We (not only emigrant like me but even those who are born and brought up here) all stay/flock to New York for money or its hyper urbanity but everyone carries a home with them that exists somewhere else. New York is a point in transition. You cannot make it your own. Maybe because it is so diverse that it belongs to no one and hence can create space for everyone......


Anarchytect said...

like bombay?

sundarsonal said...

lazee lovely post girl...
reminds me of rufus and his

spacemistress said...

Nooo... never Rohan!!! Bombay is home... with all its dirt, heat and valecha... :)
I think its because we share so many things, spoken language, a common history, past & present and a similiar language with which we understand, are part of and experience the city? I buy things here differently, the interactions, banter is different,(God I miss bargaining!. reminds me of Life of Brian, when the shopwalla made Brian haggle with him!)......

Shweyta said...

Hi Sonal,
I think differently on NYC. Inspite of having lived in Mumbai, for such a long time, NYC is another home for me now. When I am away from it, I miss it, just as I used to miss Mumbai, if I was away from it.
I believe because of its diversity and versatility as a city, NYC can become home to everyone.
It's my home away from the original home "Mumbai":)
Catch up with you next weekend when Sahil's here!